EsportsGamesRainbow Six Quarantine

Rainbow Six Quarantine

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Rainbow Six Siege found its own success both inside and outside of the esports industry. As a result, the latest game to join the party in the coming months is Rainbow Six Quarantine. It builds on what players liked from Siege but offers a new setup that makes teamwork even more important. A lot of the game was inspired by Outbreak, and it is completely relevant for today’s world. The alien parasite that dominated the story of Outbreak does essentially the same thing in Quarantine.

Quarantine Overview

The operators that were a part of Siege are also part of Quarantine. At this point, you have 50+ characters to choose from. The goal of the chosen characters is to contain the virus that’s running rampant. According to trailers previously released for the game, the first three operators released were Vigil, Lion, and Ela. Every operator in the game is part of one of three categories; Support, Assault, and Recon. They are all armed with the same weapons you know from Siege, though this could be tweaked at any time, with new updates to the game.

There is still a lot of speculation about what exactly the game will include when it is released. The facts that have been confirmed are that its a PVE tactical and a co-op that pits an alien against a trio of players. You work your way through the game by battling each of the aliens you come in contact with.

One of the few things we know about this game is that its played in PVE hoard mode pitting teams of three players against each other, something that is taken directly from Outbreak. You’ll have access to the typical character abilities and items that you’ll find in all the Rainbow Six games. And while Outbreak had a small roster of characters, Quarantine has a much larger one. If you are familiar with the Rainbow Six series of games you’ll notice its gun mechanics are the same as they were in Siege.

In Siege there was a limited event built into the game. They took this limited event and turned it into the full blown game that will be Quarantine. As the newest in the Rainbow Six series, Quarantine puts a horror movie spin on the usual actions and weapons used in previous games in the series. The final fact that we know about the new game is that it will group defenders and attackers on the same team.

An Unsure Future

Plans have been delayed for the release of Quarantine due to the real life one taking place across the U.S. The name of the game was originally meant to represent the characters presumably under quarantine in a hospital, as evidenced by its original trailer. If you’ve seen the trailer you know that the main character is the victim of a deadly infection.

The trailer leaves a ton of questions about Quarantine that we still can’t answer.

Arqam Cheema
Arqam Cheema
Simply put, I have been playing video games since childhood. Hence, I planned to utilize these skills and turn them into words to entertain players like me from all over the world. Consistently, working alongside prominent esports organizations to enhance my writing skills and provide them fascinating content.

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